Expansion Projects Overview

Texas gas's henderson county expansion PROJECT

The proposed Henderson County Expansion Project (Project) will support the future generation needs of CenterPoint Energy's (CenterPoint) AB Brown Power Plant in Posey County, Indiana. This Project is an important component of CenterPoint's electric generation transition plan, supporting renewable resources and replacing retiring coal-fired units. The Project includes the installation of an approximately 24-mile, 20-inch natural gas lateral in Henderson County, Kentucky and Posey County, Indiana and will require the installation of additional compression and other modifications at Texas Gas's existing Slaughters Compressor Station in Webster County, Kentucky. Texas Gas's Project along with CenterPoint's project will facilitate a substantial net reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions. For the latest information, click here.


Texas gas’s Eunice reliability and lake charles supply project

Texas Gas Transmission, LLC (“Texas Gas”) is proposing the Eunice Reliability and Lake Charles Supply Project ("Project") to support the long-term reliability of its interstate pipeline system while simultaneously modernizing existing facilities to reduce emissions and noise. The primary objective is to increase reliability and bring Perryville, Louisiana supplies to the Lake Charles area, enhancing the energy infrastructure in the region. The Project includes the replacement of older, less efficient reciprocating engines with two new gas turbine engines at its existing Eunice Compressor Station located in Acadia Parish, Louisiana. This upgrade is designed to reduce emissions and enhance operational reliability. For the latest information, click here.